Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sam's Christmas program

I am going to be so glad when Sam is too old for these Christmas programs. I hate them. I'm sorry. I have an energetic 5 year old and every year it's the same stomachache leading up to the event. "What's he going to do this year? Dive off the stage into a pile of blankets bound for orphans? stick out his tongue? leave the stage?" The lead up to the big day was no different this year. Talks with his teacher confirmed that it was just too much to ask that our dear Sam sit still and behave himself with 74 other kids in a gymnasium. We were beginning to dispair when Mrs. Herring (dear Mrs. Herring) came to our rescue. She was Sam's personal chaperone for the program and gave Sam special jobs to do. He handed out programs as all the parents arrived and he ran the tape recorder. He helped all the all the other children up onto the risers and off and sang his part like an angel. It was a real relief. And it's over for another year. Until Easter,...




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